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Seven Facets of Well-being

Seven Facets of Wellness

Facets of Well-being logo

UChicago Student Wellness takes a holistic approach to wellness by focusing on seven key Facets of Well-being. Wellness is much more than physical health, exercise, or nutrition. It is the full integration of states of physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. The model used by our campus includes emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, physical, social, and spiritual wellbeing. Each of these seven Facets of Wellbeing promotes balance in our lives. See below to learn more about each.

Environmental wellbeing is understanding how your surroundings and community may impact your overall wellbeing and establishing a supportive environment.

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Financial wellbeing is understanding your current financial situation and planning for future financial health.

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Intellectual wellbeing is being actively engaged in creative and mentally stimulating activities in pursuit of lifelong learning.

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Spiritual wellbeing is discovering meaning and purpose in life and understanding beliefs, values, and ethics that help guide your life.

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