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Better Together

Better Together

Better Together was created to emphasize the importance of students connecting with one another to strengthen their social and emotional wellbeing. The Better Together Initiative is comprised of two programs geared towards graduate and professional students:

  • Growing Together: A Dinner Series
  • Buddy Up!

For program details and registration information, click the link below.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Carolyn Banner, Health Promotion Coordinator. 

Growing Together is a dinner series program where a small group of graduate and professional students comes together once a week for five weeks for dinner, thoughtful discussion, and creative ways to get to know themselves and their peers. The themes discussed include finding joy, compassion, and vulnerability. 

Registration for Spring Quarter sessions is now closed.

Please add yourself to the waitlist HERE to be alerted when registration opens for Autumn Quarter.

Please Contact Carolyn Banner with any questions.

Are you a graduate or professional student who wants to meet more people and make new connections? Join Buddy Up!

UChicago Student Wellness is offering Buddy Up as part of the Better Together initiative. Join a network of current graduate and professional students who want to meet new people and connect with peers across campus. Every two weeks, you’ll be paired with a new buddy and have the opportunity to meet up for a free coffee on campus! 

Please note: Buddy Up is meant to facilitate networking, mentoring and friend connections and is not to be used as a dating platform.

For more information, email Health Promotion Coordinator Carolyn Banner or register for the Buddy Up program.

Growing Together: A Dinner Series 

  • "I loved the open discussions on a topic where there was a safe and open space created for everyone to participate in; listening to others’ personal experiences and observing other peers sharing their vulnerable sides were reassuring that I also have a space to do the same."  Growing Together participant, Spring 2024
  • "The diversity in the group was great, I think it’s really important to be able to understand people who come from different cultural upbringings and how that changes someone’s perspective, what they view as struggle, what they find joy in etc. I think I have an improved ability to connect with people who it initially appears I wouldn’t have anything in common with."  Growing Together participant, Spring 2024
  • "I loved the shared community, which made me realise that all of us are going through similar experiences."  Growing Together participant, Spring 2024
  • "[Growing Together] teaches us how to care about and love ourselves and others properly! I love this program!"​ Growing Together Participant, Autumn 2022
  • "I'm happy this program exists and it has definitely made my adjustment to grad school a lot better!" Growing Together Participant, Autumn 2022
  • "I signed up for Growing Together because I was interested in meeting graduate students from across the university, and it quickly became something I looked forward to every week...The sessions were fun, engaging, and provided space for the kind of self- and communal reflection I love. I met some really kind and interesting people, gained some great resources, and laughed a lot. Highly recommended!" Growing Together Participant, Spring 2019
  • "I believe this type of program is really critical for supporting graduate students holistically, and recognizing that under the best circumstances, when students have the support of their community, and are recognized for their worth as human beings, they can do their best work." Growing Together Participant, Spring 2019
  • "I loved the chance to meet graduate students from other programs and different years, which gave me the opportunity to meet people I would never have run into otherwise and also to hear new perspectives on the topics we discussed... I really appreciated the safe and supportive environment, where we lifted each other up and brought in a much-needed dose of positivity each week." Growing Together Participant, Spring 2019

UChicagoSocial: UChicago Student Wellness