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Student Health Advisory Board

The Student Health Advisory Board (SHAB) is a collective of students who receive updates from UChicago Student Wellness regarding programs, services, and initiatives that support the health and well-being of UChicago students. This Board meets with Student Wellness Leadership to provide student perspectives and input on potential new and existing physical and mental health services, student health insurance options, and health promotion programs and initiatives. The Board seeks a diverse group of students with at least one representative from The College and each Professional School and Academic Division within the University. Students must commit to serving a one-year term. 


  • Student representatives must be current College, graduate, or professional students at the University of Chicago.
  • Students must be enrolled and in good standing in their academic program and will be physically present on or near the Hyde Park campus for the duration of their appointment on the Committee.
  • If appointed to SHAB, students must attend at least two meetings every quarter. 
  • Students who are not present or actively engaged in SHAB may lose member status.
  • Terms for SHAB expire after the academic year, with the possibility of reappointment.

Application and Selection Process

Every year, SHAB seeks student representatives to serve a one-year term. The application for AY24-25 is now closed! Email Elizabeth Webb at with questions or concerns. 

UChicagoSocial: UChicago Student Wellness