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Immunization Compliance

Allergy Injections

UChicago Student Wellness offers allergy injections for those already receiving injections from their home allergist. Please read this information packet prior to making an appointment. You and your home allergist will need to complete the forms prior to your appointment. Allergy injection appointments require an initial consultation with one of our providers and subsequent nurse visits to administer the allergy injections per the protocol outlined by your allergist. Note: We are unable to provide this service to anyone who is receiving more than 4 different allergy serums or anyone that has had an anaphylactic reaction to an allergy shot. These students will be referred to an allergist for their injections.

Prior to receiving your first allergy shots through UChicago Student Wellness, you will need an initial consultation with one of our providers. You must schedule the appointment with the Student Wellness provider before your allergy shot(s) are due. The provider will review your medical history, allergies, current medications, and your allergist’s plan of care. Remember to have the completed forms from your allergist with you at that visit or sent in advance.  

After the initial consultation, you can then schedule a subsequent appointment at UChicago Student Wellness for a nurse to administer your allergy shots on another day; or you can schedule an appointment with the physician followed by an appointment for the allergy shot. 

If not already done, you will also be asked to sign a medical release of information that will allow UChicago Student Wellness to obtain and/or release information to your allergist. As a part of your immunotherapy, we may need to contact your allergist to clarify or adjust dosages, or to request additional information. 

We are unable to accept any allergy serum shipped directly to our office. You must order and bring your allergy serum with you to the Student Wellness Center for your first visit or drop it off prior to that visit during our regular business hours. Student Wellness will store your serum as a courtesy and convenience to you in our temperature monitored refrigerator. 

If a new order or change in your existing order is needed, a written order must be signed by your allergist and faxed to UChicago Student Wellness. We cannot receive telephone orders from the nurse or office staff. 

Appointments are available Monday through Friday. To schedule an appointment, call 773.834.9355.

You must have an Epipen with you each time you are receiving allergy injections. If you do not already have an Epipen, a provider will provide you with a prescription during your initial visit. If you do not have an Epipen with you, you will be asked to reschedule.

It is recommended that you schedule appointments for the entire quarter during your first visit to ensure a routine time for your injections. When making appointments, keep the following in mind:

  • Allow 45-60 minutes for each appointment.
  • Arrange your appointments to avoid strenuous activity and the use of alcohol just before and 2 hours following an injection.
  • Do not interrupt your allergy shot schedule for a minor illness, mild upper respiratory symptoms, or use of anti-allergic medications. If you feel ill on the day of your visit, please inform the nurse.
  • All students are required to wait at the Student Wellness Center a minimum of 30 minutes after the injections are administered for observation. The nurse will inspect the injection site(s) and record any local reaction. If you have a history of adverse reactions, you may be asked to wait longer.

If you have any questions, call the nurse at 773.834.9355.

If you experience a severe (systemic) reaction:

  • Use your Epipen if you have already left UChicago Student Wellness.
  • Go to the emergency room or call 911 when on or off campus.

Any student who experiences a systemic reaction while at Student Wellness and received epinephrine will be taken to the UCMC Emergency Room for further observation.

If your schedule requires an injection during a period of time when you are away from campus, please:

  • Notify a nurse that you will be away from campus so that you may pick up your allergy extract(s) and instructions.
  • Make plans to keep the extract refrigerated. Do not freeze extracts.
  • When you return to campus, bring your refrigerated extract and updated instructions. This should include injection dates, dosage given, and signature of the physician or nurse who administered the injections while you were away.

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