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Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College (and Graduate) Students (BASICS) is a free service for students who want to explore their alcohol use. It is designed to assist you in examining your own substance use behaviors in a non-judgmental and non-confrontational environment with a health educator in UChicago Student Wellness. 

BASICS gives you the opportunity to explore your level of risk, compare your alcohol use to other college students, identify possible changes, and help you reduce future risk in developing alcohol-related problems.

BASICS is a program that is meant to target college student drinkers and is appropriate for any student who uses alcohol, whether you are concerned about your use or you are just curious and want to learn how your alcohol use compares to others.

No. While someone in the campus community may encourage you to attend BASICS, you do not need a referral to participate. Voluntary appointments are welcome.

Nothing. BASICS is offered to all UChicago students free of charge.

BASICS involves two sixty-minute one-on-one sessions held with our BASICS facilitator. During the first BASICS session, the facilitator will orient you to the BASICS program and gather information about your alcohol consumption patterns. During the second session, you will receive feedback about your use of alcohol and how it compares with the college student population. You will also have the opportunity to discuss risk reduction options.

Please keep in mind that BASICS is not therapy or substance abuse treatment.

BASICS sessions are by appointment only. Appointments can be scheduled by logging into the my.WellnessPortal. Please call UChicago Student Wellness at 773.834.9355 if you need assistance booking an appointment. If you cannot find an appointment time that works with your schedule, please contact Karina Wilson.

If you are having any difficulties or concerns, consider contacting UChicago Student Wellness. For immediate help or safety concerns, call the UChicago Police at 773.702.8181. 

UChicagoSocial: UChicago Student Wellness