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Resources for Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence Survivors

We at Student Wellness are committed to providing a safe and confidential space for all students impacted by any form of sexual or interpersonal violence. Such experiences may include sexual harassment or assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. If you have experienced a sexual assault or interpersonal violence, you have resources and support available. Whatever steps an individual decides to take or not, after experiencing any form of sexual or interpersonal violence, they should know it is NEVER the survivor’s fault.

Safety and Emergency Resources

If a situation seems life-threatening or you need immediate treatment of very serious or critical conditions, go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.

  • UChicago Medicine Emergency Room:
    The UCM Emergency Room follows specific policies and procedures, approved by the State, in treating an individual who has been sexually assaulted. Financial assistance is available for survivors who do not have insurance or may not want to use it. 
    5656 S Maryland Ave, Chicago, IL 60637
  • University of Chicago Police Department (UCPD):
    From a campus phone: 123
    From any phone: 773.702.8181
  • Chicago Police Department:
    911 or 9-9-1-1 from a campus phone
  • Northwestern Memorial Hospital Emergency Department:
    For downtown Chicago, Northwestern Memorial Hospital is the medical facility offering sexual assault evidence collection and treatment nearest to the Gleacher Center.
    251 E. Huron St., Chicago (24-hours)

If you are worried about your safety, either immediate or long-term, you may want to consider developing a safety plan which could include ways to remain safe and possible ways to reduce the risk of future harm. Information about safety planning can be found on the National Domestic Violence Hotline website:

On-Campus Confidential Resources

Confidential resources do not share any identifying information about people or incidents without the reporting person’s express consent. Because of the confidential nature of these resources, disclosing information to or seeking advice from a confidential resource does not constitute a report or complaint to the University.

  • Sexual Assault Dean-on-Call (SADoC): 
    The SADoC is a University administrator specifically trained in trauma-informed 40+ hour Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention. This administrator is available 24/7. The SADoC can explain what to expect at a police station or at the hospital's emergency department, provide basic information about the criminal and civil justice system and University-wide disciplinary procedures, and help students make informed decisions about next steps. They may also refer the student to counseling and other services, such as the Title IX office. For more information, visit or call 773.834.HELP (4357).
  • UChicago Student Wellness Medical Care:
    Physicians and certified nurse practitioners provide health care and services to eligible UChicago undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. There are specially trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE) with specialized training and education who can work with individuals who have experienced sexual assault, abuse, or incest and deliver confidential trauma-informed care. SANE nurses can connect students with the SADoC, perform emergent medical triage, and refer to the Emergency Department, therapists, legal aid, or advocacy groups as needed.

    For urgent concerns:
    • Call the 24/7 Nurse Line at 773.834.9355. An experienced nurse can answer health care questions, explain potential care options, and, if necessary, help you find the nearest place to receive treatment.
    • During business hours (M-F, 8:30a-5:00p), students can call 773.834.9355 to speak with a staff member or schedule appointments through the my.WellnessPortal.
  • UChicago Student Wellness Counseling and Mental Health Care:
    Confidential and trauma-informed therapy and support are available to eligible UChicago undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. The trauma services Coordinator and Title IX liaison, Dr. Emily Knotek, can also help connect students to the appropriate support and treatment options.

    Schedule appointments:
    Call 773.834.9355 or visit my.WellnessPortal.

    For urgent concerns:
    • Call 24/7 Therapist-on-Call: 773.702.3625
    • During business hours (M-F, 8:30a-5:00p), students can call 773.834.9355 or walk in to see a staff member.
  • Members of the Clergy/Ordained Religious Advisors:
    For more information, visit:

Other On-Campus Resources

  • UChicago CARES – The Center for Awareness, Resolution, Education, and Support (Title IX Office):
    UChicago CARES works to prevent and respond to reports of sexual misconduct and gender-based harassment or discrimination on campus. Please note that contacting UChicago CARES or reporting an incident to the office is private, and it does not mean the person who experienced sexual assault or intimate partner violence somehow loses control of the process. On the contrary, UChicago CARES is there to advise students on their options regarding remaining anonymous, confidentiality, resolution options, the University’s process for investigating complaints of sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, and the University’s disciplinary process. If you decide to file a report, this does not automatically begin a formal University process. UChicago CARES can also assist with providing information or the implementation of supportive measures and accommodations related to a sexual misconduct matter. For more information please visit
  • Department of Safety and Security:
    The Director of Victim and Witness Services helps survivors navigate the criminal justice process, from filing an initial report, if that is what the survivor wants to do, all the way through to sentencing. You can reach the Director of Victim and Witness Services directly by calling 773.702.4912 or emailing

Off-Campus Confidential Resources

  • Resilience (Formerly known as Rape Victim Advocates): Resilience provides free counseling services (individual, family, and group), medical and legal advocacy, and education and training for survivors and for friends and partners or survivors. For more information, visit, call (312) 443-9603, or email
  • Greenlight Family Services: Greenlight Family Services offers free and confidential counseling to  students who have experienced sexual, domestic, or dating violence. For more information about Greenlight Family Services visit Confidential helpline and intake: 773.750.7077.
  • KAN-WIN: KAN-WIN provides free, multi-lingual, culturally-informed services, including counseling, legal advocacy, and immigration protection for Asian-American or Asian immigrant survivors of sexual assault or interpersonal violence. To find out more about KAN-WIN, visit
  • Center on Halsted (Anti-Violence Project): The Center on Halsted provides individual, couples/family, and group therapy to LGBTQIA survivors of hate and bias violence, discrimination, intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual assault. They also provide case management and advocacy, including assistance navigating the legal system, housing and medical advocacy, safety planning, and economic, employment, parenting, and education assistance. Visit, call 773.472.6469 x460, or email for more information.
  • Apna Ghar (Our Home): Apna Ghar offers culturally competent domestic violence and gender violence services for immigrants, including counseling, crisis line services, emergency housing, transitional housing, case management, legal advocacy, and supervised visitation/safe exchange services. Visit or 773.334.4663 for more information.
  • Howard Brown (Violence Recovery Project): Howard Brown provides services for survivors of intimate partner violence for members of the LBGTQ+ community, including group and individual counseling (including clinicians trained in EMDR), women’s health, Trans and gender non-conforming health, men’s health, and HIV/AIDS services. Call 773.388.1600 or go to for more information.
  • FORGE (for Trans survivors): FORGE provides research, advocacy and empowerment based resources to support Trans survivors and communities. For more information, visit:
  • Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN): RAINN is a confidential National Sexual Assault Hotline which provides access to support, information and local resources by trained professionals. Call 800.656.HOPE (4673) or 888.293.2080 for Chicago Region. They also have a live chat function:
  • The Trevor Project: The Trevor Project is a leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ young people available 24/7, year round. For more information, visit:

Reporting Options

If you have experienced any incidents of harassment, discrimination, or sexual misconduct, you have the option of filing a report with the University. Any person may file a report, regardless of affiliation with the University. Filing a report does not automatically begin a formal University process. When a report is made that provides names or valid contact information, a staff member from UChicago CARES (Center for Awareness, Resolution, Education and Support) will reach out via email with information about resources, support, and resolution options. For more information on reporting options, please click here: (Reporting | UChicago CARES Website) or see below.

University of Chicago Police Department (UCPD)

  • 773.702.8181 or 1-2-3 from a campus phone (24-hours) or in-person at 6054 South Drexel Ave.

Chicago Police Department

  • Anyone preferring not to report a matter to the University of Chicago Police Department may contact the Chicago Police Department.
    9-1-1 (24-hours) or 9-9-1-1 from a campus phone

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