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Alcohol and Other Drug Programs and Initiatives

There are serious health risks and behavior problems associated with the use of alcohol in the collegiate environment. It is best to make careful, thoughtful decisions about alcohol before you decide to drink. Alcohol consumption and tobacco use are closely linked behaviors. Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States. Remember that the legal drinking and tobacco use age in the United States is 21 years old. If you do decide to drink, please drink responsibly. 

UChicago Student Wellness provides numerous resources and support services to help students responsibly manage their alcohol and cannabis use.

eCHECKUP TO GO provides students with personalized information about their alcohol use through an interactive web survey. It helps identify risk patterns and aspirations and goals of participants.

AlcoholEDU is an interactive online program designed to reduce the negative consequences of alcohol among students by encouraging students to reflect on their own drinking patterns. The program delivers a personalized experience to all types of students dependent on their current drinking choices. Completion of this program is mandatory for all incoming first-year and transfer students. 

If you have questions regarding AlcoholEdu, please contact Emily Schulze Scott

Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College (and Graduate) Students or BASICS is a free service for students who want to explore their alcohol use. Designed to assist students in examining their own substance behaviors in a non-judgmental environment, BASICS helps reduce risky behaviors and harmful effects from drinking.

BASICS targets university student drinkers and is appropriate for any student who uses alcohol, whether they are concerned about their use or simply curious and want to learn more.

What to Expect During a BASICS Session

BASICS involves two one-on-one sessions: one ninety-minute session and one sixty-minute session. During the first session, the facilitator will orient you to the BASICS program and gather information about your alcohol consumption patterns. During the second session, you will receive feedback about your use of alcohol and how it compares with the overall student population. You will also have the opportunity to discuss risk reduction options.

Scheduling a BASICS Appointment

BASICS sessions are by appointment only. Appointments can be scheduled by logging into the my.WellnessPortal. Please call UChicago Student Wellness at 773.834.9355 if you need assistance booking an appointment or cannot find a time that works for your schedule. 

If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Karina Wilson.

The mission of the University of Chicago Student Recovery Group is to provide fellowship and support for University of Chicago students who are in recovery or exploring sobriety.

The University of Chicago Student Recovery Group holds one-hour, peer-led discussion meetings to provide fellowship and community for students in recovery. You can also subscribe to our Student Recovery Listserv.

If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Karina Wilson.

On-Campus Support

UChicago Student Wellness can provide an appointment with your primary care physician or nurse practitioner to discuss options to be successful in quitting or contact Sam Ryland for a referral to the Illinois QuitLine.

Please contact your provider if you have questions, concerns, or would like to discuss how to quit smoking.

Off-Campus Support

To learn more about off-campus tobacco cessation supports, visit this page.

The University of Chicago Alcohol Risk Reduction Education Program (UCARE) is an alcohol misuse and risk reduction program that supports students' well-being and provides harm reduction techniques and tips to plan a safe social event.

UCARE certification is required for all student groups and departments interested in serving alcohol at campus events. Certifications are good for two years for students and three years for faculty and staff.

Getting UCARE Certification

In addition to receiving UCARE Certification, all students must follow the University of Chicago Alcohol & Other Drugs Policy in the Student Manual, and Registered Student Organizations must adhere to the Center for Leadership and Involvement’s guidelines for serving alcohol.

If you have questions or concerns, please email Karina Wilson.

UChicagoSocial: UChicago Student Wellness