We believe wellness fully integrates physical, emotional, environmental, intellectual, financial, and spiritual well-being.
UChicago Student Wellness is committed to enhancing the environment and community at UChicago to promote lifelong behaviors and to empower students to improve their quality of life and reach their highest potential. Our staff works to understand students' needs and assists them in achieving their optimal health by offering wellness programs, resources, and information. If you're interested in wellness tips and events around campus, sign up for our weekly newsletter!
eCHECKUP TO GO provides students with personalized information about their alcohol or cannabis use through an interactive web survey. It helps identify risk patterns and aspirations and goals of participants.
AlcoholEDU is an interactive online program designed to reduce the negative consequences of alcohol among students by encouraging students to reflect on their own drinking patterns.
Open Studio is a self-directed, community space for people to spend their time doing creative activities they enjoy such as writing and artmaking, while also being able to socialize and/or take a breather.
Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College (and Graduate) Students (BASICS) is a service for students who want to explore their alcohol use.
The Better Together Initiative emphasizes the importance of students connecting with one another to strengthen their emotional wellbeing. Better Together is comprised of two programs geared towards graduate and professional students:
- Growing Together: A Dinner Series
- Buddy Up!
Health Coaching is an opportunity for students to examine their strengths with a coach to navigate transitions and achieve desired changes they’d like to make in their lives.
Learn more about health topics affecting many college students.
Maroon Mental Health Matters is a training program designed to give participants the skills to help someone experiencing a mental health challenge or crisis.
Mindfulness meditation offerings are open to all UChicago community members and include instruction and practice of mindfulness meditation and other mind/body techniques to help reduce stress.
Free menstrual hygiene products are available across campus for students' convenience.
Peer Health Advocates are committed to supporting their fellow students and empowering them to make healthy choices.
Therapy dogs are brought to campus for Pet Love, offering students an opportunity to socialize, lower anxiety, reduce loneliness, and have a healthy outlet for positive touch.
Refresh Sleep is a seven-week email program that aims to provide students with the skills and strategies needed to achieve more restful nights.
UChicago Student Wellness partners with departments and divisions on campus to provide free Safer Sex Supplies to UChicago students.
UChicago Student Wellness takes a holistic approach to wellness by focusing on seven key Facets of Well-being.
This annual event offers students a place to take a moment to rest, reflect, and relax through various activities such as chair massage and art therapy in a calming environment supported by Student Wellness Staff.
The mission of the University of Chicago Student Recovery Group is to provide fellowship and support for University of Chicago Students who are in recovery or exploring sobriety.
Use UChicago Student Wellness’s Sunny Spots Map to increase your light exposure and serotonin levels.
The University of Chicago Alcohol Risk Reduction Education Program (UCARE) is an alcohol misuse and risk reduction program that supports students' well-being and provides harm reduction techniques and tips to plan a safe social event.
The Weekly Wellness Newsletter is your one stop shop for stress-relieving tips, tricks, and events at the University of Chicago. Students may sign up for our weekly newsletter here.
Wellapalooza brings together campus and community partners who help you explore the many dimensions of wellness on campus through interactive booths, information about health services, wellness activities, giveaways, and healthy snacks.
WellCzars are student wellness liaisons who provide their College Houses with health and wellness information and resources.
The Wellness Advisory Board (WAB) is comprised of individuals representing diverse departments and student groups across the UChicago campus. WAB’s purpose is to provide a forum for wellness-related departments to meet regularly to develop a health-conscious campus.
Restorative yoga uses gentle movement, breathing, and meditation techniques to help ease tension.