Our medical, counseling, psychiatry, and health promotion services are co-located in the University’s Student Wellness Center. Offering these services in one location enables us to provide wellness programming and integrated care in a welcoming and student-centered environment.
Construction of the center was first announced in October 2018, and it was completed at the end of 2020. The center expanded the existing student health facility located at the University of Chicago and features a dedicated entrance on 59th Street for ease of access.
The Student Wellness Center is located at the corner of 59th Street and Maryland Avenue, facing the Midway Plaisance and two blocks west of the Main Quadrangles.

Student Feedback
The Student Wellness Center was developed with significant student feedback in mind, including: feedback shared during a number of focus groups and a town hall meeting with architects in Autumn Quarter 2018; through a survey sent to students in November 2018; via our online feedback form; through the Student Health Advisory Board; and, through ongoing conversations with students across campus.
We continue to welcome your input; students can share their feedback at any time on their experience of the Student Wellness Center via our feedback form.